After a successful corporate career, Kiri sold her house and travelled for a few years before settling into life near Takapuna Beach and a job with Suna Pilates. Her journey from a life focused around her career to following her inner drive to help and heal people has seen some radical transformations in the way she takes care of her body and wellbeing. We asked her to share some of what she has learned.
1. Do what you love, love what you do
Because I have the best job ever which doesn’t dictate I have to be in by a ridiculous time, daily life begins by waking up with no alarm – I get the honour of waking up when my body wants to.
Half way through the day, before the afternoon slump hits, I do a Pilates class. Because Suna is so focused on breathing, each breath we take in a workout energises the body and mind, and I’m wide awake and kicking for the rest of the day.
The best part of my job, apart from the people, is how amazing our Pilates offering is – and that I get to learn Kinesiology. If you haven’t tried it, you MUST. In my ‘old life’ I was tired and run down, and used to visit the doctor regularly, but I haven’t since I started working at Suna. All you need is your first 45 minute Kinesiology session and then if you are feeling under the weather, or feel something unwanted in your body that you are not loving, all it takes is a 15 minute reboot – and you feel incredible again.
2. Workout well, for holistic wellness
As well as energising the mind, Suna Pilates builds core strength, and the interval training aspect helps build a strong heart. Pilates focuses on your posture and if you aren’t exercising in the right posture, there is no point exercising. Doing it right gets the results, and fast.
I used to have a sore lower back and pain in my neck, which was all due to the way I was holding my body. See ya later soreness, and don’t come back!
3. A walk is never wasted
After my day at work and because I live close by, I go for a walk on the beach. No matter where you are walking to, if you have the Pilates posture in mind, you will reap the benefits and walking along the beach is a nice way to use that focus.
I became hooked on the beach walks as part of the Suna Minus 5 programme where I had to walk every day for 45 minutes, so I thought what better place to do it.
4. Eat well, naturally – and know what your body needs
I have always eaten pretty healthy but changing to clean, unprocessed foods as part of Minus 5 really has changed my body. I feel so much better.
If you are looking for a weight loss programme, Minus 5 is amazing. Suna uses Kinesiology to test your body to find out exactly what it needs, your metabolic type, the times you should eat – and the best thing about it, it is designed to stabilise your blood sugar so that you eventually can eat what you want, when you want, and not gain weight. What other programme has that focus! Actually the best thing about Minus 5 is that you get off days as well to let loose. The weekend is still free for you to do what you love.
5. Clean up your shower and beauty routine
Since I started working in a business where we want to help people to feel great, I have learnt a lot. And one thing has been to do with what you put on and in your body.
Yes, I have heard it all before – but I never really listened. Now I have learnt how bad many chemicals are and have seen the results of people punishing their bodies by using standard big brands. I have converted all my cleaning products, personal care, skin care and make up to natural as I really want to look after my body… we only have one!!
The variety of natural products available on this Oh Natural website is all you need. I love the hair care products, makeup, natural deodorants… oh and if you ever get into a situation where you think the deodorants are doing more harm than good, take my advice, buy De-Tox-a-Pit. I nearly gave up on natural deodorants, but research it. It’s a thing. You can react to natural deodorants in the beginning but don’t give up hope, just do the detox. I promise it works. Yay for smelling amazing!
6. Go easy on yourself, stress is over-rated
We only get one life. Set out to enjoy it. I thought my stress was normal as this is what we are used to. Trust me, it’s not. There is more to life than work.
Quote from my amazing boss Susie: Instead of saying “I don’t have time”, try saying “I’m not a priority” and see how that feels. Get up and get exercising. Your body will function and feel so much better.
If you are feeling tired, rest up…. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! Believe it or not, it knows, and it knows best. Don’t think you are being lazy. Change your thoughts and think how kind you are being, resting your body, when it is begging you to do so. If you want that piece of chocolate, have it. If you want a glass of delicious wine, have it. But whatever you consume, focus on quality. Life is too short not to have the best possible YOU.
The post Nurturing self care – Kiri’s tips on living well appeared first on Oh Natural.