Some of the lovely new products I’ve had the opportunity to try this month…
If you love the smell of coffee like I do, you will absolutely LOVE this body scrub. I don’t tend to use body scrubs that often (out of sheer laziness / always seem to be rushing in the shower) but this one honestly got me back in the swing of things so to speak. I really, really like it! Bonni is a new New Zealand company and has a really cool theme to it (the slogan being ‘Be Bold, Be Beautiful’). Check out!
Manuka Doctor Brightening Facial Oil
I’ve tried this product before and really liked it then – and this time was no different! In my eyes, a good night time product should definitely give you a visible difference overnight on the first night, and it was certainly the case with this facial oil from Manuka Doctor. This product contains the hero ingredient, Manuka Oil, along with other anti-oxidant rich oils. Love it!
Coconut oil is probably my favourite oil, firstly based on smell alone – it takes me away to a tropical island every time! So I was so excited to try out Blue Coconut Oil for the first time and was not disappointed. It is an amazing quality product – totally pure, with no additives. The second reason I love coconut oil is it is just so versatile! Along with using it for cooking, there are a tonne of other ways you can utilise this wonder oil. When applied topically, it is a wonderful skin and hair treatment. It is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal so perfect for skin irritations. I have been using it lately as a belly oil whilst pregnant! To find out 50 amazing ways you can use Blue Coconut Oil, follow the link to their website here.
Sukin Hydrating Body Lotion
Sukin was one of the first natural skincare brands I tried, many years ago and I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for their products! This body lotion is really lightweight and non-greasy, but definitely does the job of hydrating your skin and I love the scent of it too. Sukin is a great, affordable alternative for those taking steps to making their skincare routine more natural.
Temple Tonic Oil Cleanser
If you haven’t tried oil cleansing yet then you should definitely give it a go! It is especially great if you have dry skin or wear makeup regularly as it makes removing it a breeze! The latest product from NZ brand Temple Tonic is their Oil Cleanse which is seriously wonderful! You can check out this product on their website, here.
The post On My Desk: January 2016 appeared first on Oh Natural.