Our guest blogger Alice has been trying out Aphroditea – 28 Day Skinny Tea Weight Loss Detox! Find out what she thought below…
Ah January (EDIT: okay right its actually March now….). The start of a new year, new resolutions and the chance to start afresh on all the things we could/should/said we would do. Topping the list of most common New Year’s resolutions is probably lose weight/get fit/eat healthy. Okay I made that statistic up but I’m probably not far off the bat.
Cue New Zealand very own Aphroditea’s 28 Day Skinny Tea Weight Loss Detox with its tongue in cheek marketing claim: I’ll detoxify your body, cleansing you from the inside out. I’ll ease bloating, and help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and suppressing your appetite. I’ll help increase your energy levels and improve your skin clarity.
Aphroditea is a two step teatox comprised of two different loose-leaf teas.
- Aphroditea Skinny (Good Morning) is to be enjoyed in the morning. It claims to give you energy to get through the day and to kick-start your metabolism whilst helping with appetite suppression. Skinny contains Garcinia Cambogia, Yerba Mate, Ginger, Lemongrass, Goji Berries and Lemon.
- Aphroditea Detox (Good Night) is to be enjoyed in the evening. It claims to cleanse and detoxify the body of nasty toxins and unwanted excess that inhibits weight loss. Detox contains Garcinia Cambogia, Fennel, Dandelion Root, Peppermint, Licorice Root, Rosehip, Ginger, Rose and Peach.
The common ingredient, garcinia cambogia is a popular weight loss supplement that claims to reduce both cravings and fat production.
Taste-wise, Skinny is tart and zesty while Detox is sweet, minty and slightly zesty. Both are very enjoyable to drink compared to other teatox products that I have tried which tend to taste more herbal. I like that there is a separate blend for morning and night as it helps to keep the programme exciting. The sweet detox tea is a nice after dinner treat. Both comprised of quite chunky ingredients though so it can be tricky to get an even spoonful of the blend.
In the interests of providing a full and frank review, I intended to complete the teatox for the full 28 days. In all honesty, I got half way and then life happened. I work in a fast paced high stress environment and once I missed one serve, it all kinda went downhill.
I struggled with having a full cup of liquid right in the morning and right before bed, especially in the summer heat. I also think I got tired of the taste after a while. I wonder if other detox participants also struggle with seeing the whole programme through?
What I can say however is that I did find the routine of adding a morning and night tea gave my overall eating habits structure, which encouraged me to stick to a healthy eating regime. You think “well I’m doing a good thing for myself, why ruin it with eating junk?” The good news is that I’ve been able to stay on the healthy eating train mostly and that’s the aim of the game right?
The upside I can do another two week detox later in the year – hey mid year is a good time to recalibrate, right? I drink much more tea during the cold winter months anyway. My somewhat failed experience in no way reflects the product itself and if you are interested, I would suggest you check out the numerous user reviews and FAQ section on the Aphroditea website for more information.
Hi everyone, my name is Alice and I am a beauty and skincare addict! I love trying new products and raving about my holy grail finds. I am a lawyer by day, and an amateur yogi and foodie at all other times.
Follow me on Twitter (@alycatbeauty) for all sorts of health and beauty related rants.
***Special Offer***
Aphroditea have given Oh Natural readers a 10% discount code to use at their website! The code is OHNATURAL
Check out what they have to offer here.
The post Aphroditea 28 Day Skinny Tea Weight Loss Detox Review! appeared first on Oh Natural.